Embracing change

Change is hard. When I was in high school, my Spanish teacher gave me a book titled, Danger in the Comfort Zone (Bardwick, 1995). She must have anticipated that it would help me later in life. I appreciate her foresight. Although I should probably read the book again, I remember reading about the importance of embracing change.

To change is to grow. My favorite illustration of this concept is that of a caterpillar undergoing its transformation into a butterfly. When it comes to change, it is often out of our control. To resist change creates uneasiness, but to embrace it leaves energy for living a full life. When it comes to change, there is often an awkward stage. It’s that point in the change process where we feel caught in the middle. The caterpillar does not want to remain in its chrysalis forever, and we don’t want to be caught in the middle of change forever either. However, to soar like a butterfly opens up an entire world that would never have been accessible without change.

So when we have faith, and trust that a change will lead to something good, we find that it is way more fun to go with the flow. Although many changes in life are out of your control, you can still influence the uncontrollable. When you prepare your body and mind for an upcoming change, you set yourself up for success. Embrace change, and change will embrace you.